Free, cool, young, on the way to happiness... this sounds like an end, anyone would hope it's an end. But it's a beginning and it goes further, ...

... and lo and behold, now further it goes: Welcome to my Literature & Arts Homepage!
The text on the frontpage is a fragment I recently came up with - if you liked it, and I hope you did, follow the link in the left frame to find others like it! As I write these pieces, trying to connect them and find a joint development to them, I promise you, oh dear traveller, to publish them in the literature@work section, enabling you to follow the evolution of a new story, with additions, corrections, cancellations!
Just as alive, and randomly written down - let me advise you, traveller, to not miss out my poetry section! Admitted, it is sparsely populated, but, in my own humble opinion, hot hot hot!
If however you, gentle reader, prefer published work, download my prize winning short story Bebop and Lula that I wrote at the age of fifteen!
Finished work as well, but completely unpublished, brand new, virgin work, is my first novel Une couleur de quinze ans!
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